Saturday, July 31, 2010

Spring Roo (wasting time tonight)

Okay so I sat down tonight to work on my Roo commands. I checked the version numbers to make sure I have the latest version. Of course I was one version behind so I decided to download the latest version of the software, extract it and point my ROO_HOME to the new location. Now I pop open a shell and type "roo" to fire up the Roo shell. The previous version of Roo comes up. I checked and re-checked my .bash_profile to make sure the ROO_HOME was configured correctly.

What is the point of this blog? I forgot to create the symbolic link for the file. I had created the symbolic link earlier and forgot about it. I had to unlink the file and create a new link before things got back to normal.

sudo ln -s path/to/spring/ /usr/bin/roo

Life is good now after loosing about an hour of time goofying with this.

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