Enter Google sitebricks. I selected sitebricks the other day while working on a report problem in another application. Today I selected it again and included it in the maven pom.xml for a project. After grabbing the dependencies I was a little turned off by how much was brought down. After all I like to think of myself as a minimalist. So off I went to find something even smaller and simpler. I even went back to using plain old JSPs, which would be a good option but I am too lazy to find the TLD's hidden amongst the piles of JSP garbage on the Internet. During this process I even revisited an old friend Wicket. I almost through the switch on using Wicket when I saw how much configuration went into the web.xml to use Guice. Forget that. Something didn't feel right.
So I went back to my last project where I used sitebricks and started looking for what was really required. The first thing was to toss maven out and use Gradle. I set the new project up with the same build.gradle used in my last project with a few less configurations and I was ready to see how small I could make things.
The good news is that I didn't need all those jars brought down initially by Maven.
google-sitebricks 200kb
google-guice2 650kb
google-guice-servlet 28kb
mvel 680kb
For around 1.5MB (Floppy size) I can start developing and can't wait to show how simple it really is to develop a Java backed page.
To see now go to sitebricks.
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