Friday, June 4, 2010

Skillcaster uses GWT

For those folks that missed my talk last night on Skillcaster here is the video that I was going to show. One of the things covered last night was why GWT was chosen to build Skillcaster. The video does a nice job of explaining some of the interesting parts of GWT and does it in a way that is more interesting them me yammering at the front of a room.

I went over the application and then technologies used to build the tool.

  • GWT - Rich UI Framwork

  • Guice - Server side injection

  • Gin - Client side injection (Javascript)

  • gwt-dispatcher - Command pattern RPC

  • gwt-presenter - MVP framwork

  • gwt-log - logging framework

  • gwt-pectin - binding framework

I will be working on getting the project moved to Google Code soon and I will send out links for everyone that may be interested in learning more or contributing to the development of Skillcaster.

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